
General Information

POPULATION 1.92 million


Fun Facts

  • Ice hockey is the national sport
  • Fast browsing speed
  • Highest point is 312 meters
  • Drive on the right side of the road
  • Invented jeans
  • Very old flag
  • National animal is the white wagtail bird


Sandwiched between the other Baltic Countries, Latvia’s central position, with easy access to the coast and three major ports has done much to help trade. The cool, damp climate is well suited to dairy farming and meat production. Since becoming independent from the USSR in 1991, Latvia has concentrated on developing its farming, fishing and timber industries, which had been overshadowed by large-scale factory production under the Soviets. Latvia is bordered by Estonia to the north, Russia to the east, Lithuania to the south-west and Belarus to the south-east.



There are 1.9 million people living in Latvia

  • 63% Latvian
  • 25% Russian
  • 12% Other
Ethnicity Lithuania




Lutherans make up 1/3 of the population, while Catholics make up 25% and Orthodox make up 20%. Latvia, like Lithuania, is experiencing demographic decline and is experiencing hardship, with 23 percent of the population living below the national poverty line. Latvia is the EU’s third poorest country. Latvia is a very safe country to visit, with a low crime rate. The best way to get around, particularly in the capital Riga, is to take public transportation. Common singing and dancing have been passed down through the generations in Latvia.



Latvians have a lot of stews and soups in their cuisine. Such as stewed sauerkraut which is commonly seen in winter. They use a lot of potatoes, pork, cottage cheese, grey peas and rye bread in their dishes. Black Balsam is a spirit with vodka that Latvians are very proud of.

Some more dishes are:

Aukstā zupa (cold soup)

– Karbonāde (pork cutlet) 

Skābeņu zupa (sorrel soup)

Maizes zupa (bread soup)

Pelēkie zirņi ar speķi (grey peas with bacon)



Latvia has some very famous architecture called Nouveau. With over 4,000 wooden historic buildings located around Latvia. Some parts of central Riga are included on the UNESCO world heritage list but not all the action is happening in Riga. Some parts of Latvia have become ghost towns due to the Soviet times. In the summer Latvians like to travel to Jūrmala which is a seaside town filled with attractions. 10% of Latvia is made up of swamps and around 50% is forested with Afforestation.

Some places to visit are:

Rundale Palace and Museum

– The Freedom Monument

– The Three Brothers

– Art Nouveau Building

– House of The Black Heads



Latvia has a lot of history that started off with paganism where there where 10 core tribes that over time became the people of Latvia and Lithuania, keep in mind the state of Livonia is Estonia. Soviet Union appeared in 1940. World War 1 and suddenly Latvia was ruled by the Soviet Union, which continued in World War 2. In 1991 Latvia took part in the singing revolution where Latvians held hands and sang patriotic songs. In the 2000’s Latvia joined the EU and NATO, since then there has been an economic boom. 



Language Basics

English Latvian
Hello Sveiki
Goodbye Uz redzēšanos
Good Morning Labrīt
Good Afternoon Labdien
Please Lūdzu
Thank You Paldies
Excuse Me Atvainojiet

Published on the 29th of February 2021